The three bite thing!!
In a world with so much crap and information at the same time it's really difficult to just focus in what's important or relevant to you. Sometimes I also let myself go by the current, and every so often end up doubting or even forgetting who I am.
But somethings continue to be true to me and the fact that rules or norms just makes me itchy is a fact, maybe that was one of the reasons why I was so bad at math!!
When it comes to food and all its nonsense my simple and easier why to approach things is to just ignore all the hype. I always say that food should be fun and tasty and not be surrounded by a bunch of norms that we've read somewhere and we know obsessed about it! In the other day I was reading something about the three bite rule, as a way to stop you from craving and eating not so clean and healthy. You're suppose to just bite that amazing cake you've been craving all week three times and then leave the rest or bin it as a way to control your cravings and your height!!
Let me just say why you shouldn't be doing this: because ITS STUPID and you'll end it up craving and eating the rest of the cake anyway, and you know why, because restricting and depriving yourself doesn't work, and it will only make you want to eat more food. So if you really want to eat that cake, just eat it with no guilt or excuses...just eat!!
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