Saving Money On Your Food Shopping - 10 Tips
Food shopping is not my favourite thing to do, special on a Friday night after work, but I've come into terms with it!! The Friday night shopping means that Tesco is more bearable and with almost no customers around annoying and blocking your way on the avocado stand. It also means you can think a bit more on your decisions without being knocked off!!
For me, food shopping has it's own innuendos and wasting time our money it's not included on them, so I believe that the most important thing, is to be prepared for the big day!!
1/ Plan your Meals - I know, I know, who has time for this, but knowing briefly what you want to cook for the week is super important in saving you some penny's and time! I normally prepare my list on the weekend before so its ready by the end of the week.
2/ Make a List - alongside with the previous point writing a list with all the ingredients you need to buy is super handy so you don't miss anything, and spend your money in something you don't need.
3/ Buy What's on Season - I love the on-season stand, there you'll find the cheapest fruits and vegetables for the season.
4/ Check the Reduced Section - check if there's something in your list that you can buy from the reduced section, and if so, just go for it!!
5/ Bring you Own Bags - yes, super important, not only for the environment, but also for your pocket. I always have mine ready at my entrance door!!
6/ If its Not on the List Don't Buy it - how many times I decide to buy something that is not on my list and then end up with at least three or two tins of chickpea, for example, in the cupboard! My tip is don't buy it, not on the list, means you don't need!
7/ Don't go Food Shopping With an Empty Stomach - pretty standard this one, if you're hungry you're more than likely to end up buying a bunch of stuff you don't need, so take a snack beforehand and stick to your list.
8/ Check the promotions - If I'm buying milk or coffee I always search for the cheapest alternative, the same happens with other items that I'm not to fussed about the brand.
9/ Freeze Whatever you Can - if by the end of the week there is something in your fridge that is almost off, just freeze it! For instance, I always end up freezing my spinach bags or leftover butternut.
10/ Use up What's on your Fridge - if for some reason you've forgot to buy a certain item, just try and be creative with what you have and substitute, don't just go and buy it, because you'll end up with a basket filled with crape you don't need (unless it's toilet paper or tampons/pads).
Hope you find these tips helpful, and share some of yours in the comments, cheers.
*Image via Pinterest